Vintage Guitars, Mandolins, Banjos, and other Instruments for Players
Martin, Gibson, Epiphone, National, Vega, Howe Orme, Paramount, Bacon
This page updated every so often. ** Last update March 23, 2025 **
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Or write to: Box 445, Inverness, Ca. 94937
Lowell Levinger - Proprietor
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** This page last updated on March 23,2025 **
You are visitor number one. Well, not really but all of our customers are number one and treated as such. What's happening with Banana these days.
New CD available for purchase. Upcoming gigs. Video's old and new. Lots of photos.
Corrado Giacomel Mandolins
Corrado Giacomel makes mandolins in Genova Italy that are, in my not so
humble opinion, il migliore - the very best.
He also makes the "Modele Banana" Five String Tenor Guitar that I play.
Acoustic Disc - The place for great acoustic music.
And the home of the Tone Poems CD's
David Nelson and Banana and The Papermill Creek Rounders
Banana and David Nelson Play Bluegrass Music with outstanding bay
area bluegrass musicians.
Carmel Music
Dexter Johnson makes wonderful guitars and finds really good Vintage ones too.
Mandolin Cafe All things mandolinish.
Elias Howe Company Boston, Massachusetts, ca. 1898
A link to an informative site about Howe Orme lore.
Larson Creations Robert Hartman's authoritive site about the instruments of The Larson Brothers
Harp Guitars A Fantastic site devoted to Harp Guitars - Thanks to Gregg Miner
TablEdit Tabulature Editor A Tablature software program with a vast library of tunes available through the Comando Community and Mandolin Cafe
The Tone-Gard
A highly useful innovative device for mandolins. Check it out.
Vintage Instruments in Philadelphia
Knowlegeable folks with lots of good instruments.
Musurgia Fine, Rare & Peculiar Musical Instruments and Collectibles
Steve and Peter know their stuff and are nice folks.
Vintage City Guitars, Joey Sheets is a nice guy.
You won't find prices on the high end cool stuff though.
Mike Holmes' site with lots of valuable information about banjos and other stuff
The Barry "The Fish" Melton Band (Banana plays in it)
The Michael Barclay Blues Band (Banana plays in it)
Custom Inlay work Bryan England does beautiful Custom Inlay Work
Dr. Ducks Great instrument polish and other accessories. And jokes too.
Just Strings All kinds of strings online. Mandocello, even!
Humbeads Map of the World The definitive world map from the early sixties.
Musicians Workshop Lots of instruction DVD's, books and CD's and various other useful items.